Employer’s Pledge Page

Why did we create a pledge?

Mi-EC created three Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) pledges for employer’s to complete in order to gauge both their organization’s current commitment to inclusion in the workplace and how to further advance their inclusion practices.
After signing the pledge that best suits your organization, we will add your company’s name and information onto our website for job seekers to see and access.

Companies which signed the pledge

Linked directly to their employment sections, please check their current job, internship or volunteering openings. Mi-EC helps to bridge service gaps among people with disabilities and criminal record and employers who are looking for their talents.

dei bronze achievement status pledge

This pledge is more of an informational form for us at Mi-EC. It indicates that your organization is interested in making your workplace more inclusive and thinking about the first steps that you can do to make this happen.

dei silver achievement status pledge

This pledge was created to help you look for more ways or suggestions on how to create a more inclusive workplace. Fill out this form to identify what steps you are willing and able to take over the next year to foster a diverse workforce for your organization.

dei gold achievement status pledge

This pledge indicates that your organization has implemented numerous practices to support DEI. Fill out this form to pledge that you have done the most and will continue to do anything else you can create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.