Community Resource Guide
The information contained within this guide is meant to give you a brief description of each resource. It will help direct you to agencies or organizations and their websites, phone numbers and addresses. Individual websites will have more detailed information, and we encourage you to visit each site to get most of your questions answered.
Useful Resources
The Arc Michigan
1325 S. Washington, Lansing, MI 48910
The Arc enables people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to fully participate and contribute to their communities.
The Arc advocates for individuals with disabilities for services in:
- Employment
- Education
- Independence

Autism Alliance of Michigan (AAoM)
26500 American Dr., Southfield, MI 48034
AAoM will collaborate across the state to improve the quality of life for individuals with autism through the following services:
- Assist individual with autism to get ready for work and find a job
- Community education and awareness
- Inclusion efforts
- Coordination of services
- First responder (police/fire/EMS) training
- Safety and crisis awareness
- Family Support
- Employer support

Michigan Disability Resources (MDS)
Due to the large amount of resources, there is no address or phone number to call – please visit the website.
MDS is a comprehensive referral service. This agency can inform individuals of all available State of Michigan services that are offered to individuals with any type disability. Following are a few highlights, but please visit their website to see a more complete listing:Community needs assessment
Bureau of Services for Blind Persons
- Michigan Career and Technical Institute
- Workers Compensation Agency
- Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
- Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council
- Library Services for Blind and Physically Handicapped
- Michigan Department of Education, Special Education
- Michigan School for the Deaf
- Americans with Disabilities Act Coordination for Michigan

Disability Network – Capital Area
2812 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906
The goal of this agency is to assure that people with disabilities have the services and supports essential to make informed choices, to have personal control over their own lives, and to participate to the fullest extent possible in the everyday activities of work, home, family, and community. People with disabilities of all ages and characteristics are eligible for Independent Living services. Following is a partial list of services:
- Community needs assessment
- Inter-agency coordination
- Technical assistance to other organizations and agencies on disability matters
- Public information and education
- Outreach to unserved and underserved consumers
- Advocacy
- Information & Referral
- School to Work Transition
- Peer Support
- Skills Support
- Transition to Community Based Living

Ingham County Probate – Guardianship for Developmentally Disabled
Veterans Memorial Courthouse, 313 W. Kalamazoo St Lansing, MI 48933
517-483-6300 ext. 8
Sometimes adults need help taking care of themselves and making decisions. Michigan law allows a judge to appoint a “guardian” of an adult in certain situations where help is needed. A court appointed guardian can make decisions for the person who needs help. The judge will determine what decisions the guardian can make. A guardian might be able to decide where the person lives, what medical care the person should receive, or who will care for the person every day. Not all the options will work for everyone. There is no fee for this service.

Ingham Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)
5303 S. Cedar St, Lansing, MI 48911
517-887-9400; 1-855-444-3911 (reporting abuse or neglect)
The DHS offers assistance to all individuals who qualify. Below is a partial list of some of these services:
- Cash Assistance for all ages
- Child Care Assistance
- Child Support
- Children’s Special Health Care Services
- Emergency Assistance for home, utilities, burial
- Food Assistance
- Health Care Coverage
- Medicaid
- Migrant Services
- Refugee Assistance
- Assistance for women, infants and children
- Children and Adult Protective Services

Cristo Rey Community Center (CRCC)
1717 N. High St., Lansing, MI 48906
CRCC offers a variety of community services, some of which include:
- Food Access
- Medical Care
- Prescription Assistance
- Counseling Services
- Financial Empowerment

Greater Lansing Food Bank (GLFB)
919 Filley S, Lansing, MI 48906
GLFB is a non-profit organization that provides emergency food to individuals and families in need throughout mid-Michigan, in Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, Shiawassee, Clare, Isabella and Gratiot counties. Services Provided:
- Emergency food orders, including enough non-perishable food for a family for six days
- Support to home and community gardeners, including seeds, plants, and tools
- Mobile food distribution

Lansing Housing Commission (LHC)
419 Cherry St., Lansing, MI 48933
LHC is a Public Housing Agency that provides healthy, affordable, safe, quality rental housing units and rental assistance to families without discrimination.

American Red Cross – Lansing
1729 East St., Lansing, MI 48912
The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. They share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world. Services:
- Health and Safety – CPR and First Aid
- Donate or receive blood
- Disaster Relief – floods, tornado
- Supports military families – travel, emergency contacts
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
5210 Perry Robinson Circle, Lansing, MI 48911
1-800-772-121; 1-800-325-0778 (TTY)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues. It is designed to help aged, blind and disabled people who have little or no income. It provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing and shelter. Applications and communication will mostly take place online.
- Health and Safety – CPR and First Aid
- Donate or receive blood
- Disaster Relief – floods, tornado
- Supports military families – travel, emergency contacts

Fairlane Professional Building, 3815 W. Saint Joseph Street, Suite B – 400B, Lansing, MI 48917
ASPPIRE’s goal is to provide social supports and opportunities for adults. ASPPIRE is committed to providing needed services for individuals with social and/or cognitive challenges. Some services provided:
- Social coaching and social club
- Pre-employment services
- Person Centered Planning
- Vocational assessments
- Work experiences

Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)
1048 Pierpont Dr. Suite 1, Lansing, MI 48911
MRS provides employment Services so people with disabilities can find and keep jobs. They may also be able to help provide assistive technology, personal assistance services, school-to- work transition services and equipment to become self-employed.

Michigan Works!
2110 S Cedar St, Lansing, MI 48910
Michigan Works! is an employment agency that provides services to job seekers and employers to maximize the potential for job placement and retention of employees.

Peckham, Inc.
3510 Capital City Blvd, Lansing, MI 48906
517-316-4490; 1-877-394-6501
Peckham, Inc. is a nonprofit vocational rehabilitation organization that provides opportunities for persons with significant disabilities or barriers to employment. Peckham provides people with physical, cognitive, behavioral and socio-economic challenges with opportunities to learn new skills, participate in work and enjoy the rewards of their success.

Lansing Community College – Services for individuals with disabilities
411 N. Grand Ave, Lansing, MI 48933
517-483-1616; LCC-TheCentre@lcc.edu
Mission: The Center for Engaged Inclusion engages the campus and Lansing area in building an equitable and inclusive community through intellectual exploration and collaboration. Located in the Gannon Building next to the Student Life Office.

Michigan State University – Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD)
Bessey Hall, 434 Farm Lane, #120, East Lansing, MI 48824
517-884-7273; 517-355-1293 (TTY)
Michigan State University invests in students with disabilities through RCPD. In order to meet the needs of these individuals, it is important to identify and register a disability receive individual needs assessments, services and accommodations from RCPD. If you have service- related questions, please contact the office of RCPD.

Community Mental Health (CMH)- Clinton, Eaton, Ingham Counties
812 East Jolly Rd, Lansing, MI 48910
517-346-8318; 1-888-800-1559
CMH offers a wide variety of mental health related services. Following is a list of some of the services:
- Behavioral and Mental Health Services
- Substance Abuse
- Community Services for Developmentally Disabled – Respite Care and/or Day Programs
- Crisis Services
- Families Forward
- Pharmacy Services

Women’s Center of Greater Lansing
1710-1712 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48912
The center helps women realize their potential, regardless of income level, through the following services:
- Support Groups/Workshops
- Career counseling
- Resume preparation